We believe in a world where men can dress how they want to.

You know that feeling of annoyance you get with your clothes when you have to go somewhere but, you can't find a single thing to wear—as if there's a missing piece in your closet. We know how it feels when you finally find that missing piece and feel that your finally wearing something that has both style and quality.

We want to help you find that missing piece of your wardrobe.

That's why we created Saint Valent New York. We wanted a brand for guys like us who love fashion but don't want to sacrifice quality for style or vice versa. We wanted a brand that could serve as an outlet for creativity but also fit into any social situation—whether it's a night out on the town or a gym session. Looking good isn't something that's reserved for just one person, you can be anyone you want—and you can look good doing it.

From the CEO and STVT team